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Today's Effort

Another day to meet the challenge!

900 plus more story snippet.



Torg felt like a giant pincushion that had been dropped about three stories into the gravel pits of pain. This aching soreness totally sucked. His muscles were weak as wet cardboard. He could barely move, nor did he want to. The hospital bed was very comfortable. The nurses weren't bad either. Damnit, but he itched something fierce! Healing he supposed. But his misery was little compared to a death at the hands of that swarm. He tried to adjust so he could be more comfortable and was racked with pain from the hundreds of wounds deeply etched in his body. The throbbing was endless, only dulled by the narcotics being fed into his blood by intravenous solutions.

“Damnit all! I can't get a good seat here.” Torg complained louder than usual. “Ain't bloody fair!” He finished wriggling and settled down. “We save the world and get the end of short sticks!”

“Close enough.” Ralph couldn't move either. His entire back and left side were covered in deep bruises from what felt like razor cuts to the bone. He just lay easy letting the morphine do the magic. “I'm just glad we survived.

Ralph saw the door open slowly and three people in gray suites entered with that arrogant air and body language of official asshattery. You know. Government types. The first was a tall, skinny piece of work. Had to be in his thirties, he guessed. Blond hair, pretty boy type that Japanese animation types loved to trope. The second was shorter woman. Curvy. With the red hair up in a bun and large round glasses she could scold him for not returning his books anytime! The third was a big man. Not as tall as the skinny guy but broad like a football player, maybe defensive lineman. His eyes spoke volumes. Looking out for danger. Taking in the room and the position of everything and everyone. He secured the door as the skinny man shut the window and checked out the bathroom.

The hot librarian government babe slowly walked over and flashed her badge to both of them. Torg just grinned and Ralph wondered how she had fit herself in the tight skirt and blouse. The snug blazer did wonders for them both. She bit her lip a little as she sized up the two investigators.

“Hello, gentlemen. I'm agent Ross from the Bureau. These are agents Young and Harris.” She indicated Harris as the mountain and Young as the bean pole. “I'm here to debrief you two on the incident in Terre Haute.” She pushed her glasses up on her nose and continued, her voice very pleasant yet firm. “The contractors and cleanup teams confirmed that the threat is indeed eliminated. The warehouse fire killed every bird and egg. Not one escaped that we can determine. The rest has been recovered and isolated for testing. However...” she paused briefly. ”...the tests to determine whether the vampirism was transferable between species has not been concluded. You two will be held here for another several days until we can make a determination.”

“You mean you'll have these two goons watch over us to see if we turn blood thirsty.” Torg gritted out.

“So far we haven't determined...” she started on the legalese doublespeak.

“Seriously, Lady?” Ralph interupted. “We're investigators from HGI. We know the score so spare the crap. We know what happens if we turn vamp. We're dead. Plain and simple.”

“While that may be true, you need to understand that the FBI's Deep Investigations Branch needs to make sure we follow all protocols to secure the public's safety.”

“By killing the people who kill the baddies.” Torg snorted. “I was a cop once, sugar tits. I probably know the rules better than you three combined.”

“It's Miss Ross.” She drew out saying her name in a sultry manner as she sashayed over to Torg's bedside. “Call me sugar tits one more time, handsome...” She reached over and sqeeee his arm tightly. Torg grimaced in pain. “and I'll geld you myself.” She whipped out a butterfly blade from somewhere hidden and held it close to Torg's family jewels. She was so fast Ralph barely caught the glint of the blade as it stopped short.

“Uhm...yes, Ma'am. I mean, Miss Ross.” Torg relaxed when she pulled the knife away and placed it once again upon her person.

“We'll just have my men keep you company until you are feeling well again.” She primped her suit and made sure her appearance was satisfactory. “I'll be in touch.” She said as she walked through the door that Harris was holding open.

“You gentlemen care to order out for pizza?” Ralph offered.

“No thanks. Just ate before we got here.” Young sat down in the recliner by the window. His jacket was undone and Ralph saw the handle of a 1911 style pistol.

“I'm vegan.” Harris responded flatly.

“Well, that sucks cause our pizza should be here shortly.” Ralph smiled. “Extra pepperoni.” What else could they do? The testing would tell either way. He wished the Chief were there. She'd put these Govies in their place quick like.

As if on que another figure burst into the room carrying a load of pizza boxes and drink carriers. It proceeded a verbal tirade on the G-men that caught them off guard. It didn't let up until they felt it safer to leave the room and wait out outside. She slammed the door and turned with a smile. “Hey, boys! Miss me?” Cedar put the boxes and drinks on the table between the beds and proceeded to dish out food. “Not as good as Hessian's but close.”

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